Outward Bound Shields Harbour

Outward Bound   Shields Harbour

Image Details

Title Outward Bound Shields Harbour
Date 1905
Location Shields Harbour
Type Topographical
Publisher Unknown
Size 137mm x 85mm
Reference Number P100
Further Information This is an advertising postcard. Printed text on the back reads "GIVEN AWAY. On and after December 2nd,1905 a large COLLOTYPE PICTURE "Outward Bound," South Shields Harbour, after W.T.N. BOYCE, with Cash purchases of 7/6, or nicely framed with 35/-worth of goods and over. NO DISCOUNT. Best possible Value for Money. Men's , Youths' and Boys' Overcoats and Clothing of every description. R. PEIRSON & Co., Tailors Clothiers, Hatters, & Mercers 15 Saville Street West, North Shields