Wood's Quay from the Ferry Landing

Wood's Quay  from the Ferry Landing

Image Details

Title Wood's Quay from the Ferry Landing
Reference Number STH0000042
Photographer Grimes J
Town or Village South Shields
Date 1910
Original Format Black and White Photograph
Period The 1910s
Copyright South Tyneside Libraries
Further Information The paddle tug Ulysses built in 1874 for London owners came to the
Tyne in 1895. She was involved in two heroic rescues: 1880 saved the
Isaac  Rennock and in 1895 the Endeavour. Ref. British Steam Tugs,
Thomas p.168.

The twin screw tug "Plover" is behind the Ulysses. J.Thompson and Sons
Potato Merchants warehouse can be seen to the right of photograph.
Wood's Quay was privately owned and access to it was through an arched
passage way beside the Alum House Ham.